Tag Archives: Guggenheim

More From San Sebastian

Our flight from Paris to Bilbao was early and quick, putting us at the Guggenheim by noon on Monday. Three of the four of us had been there before, but were happy to see it again.

The Guggenheim Museum-Bilbao

The Guggenheim Museum-Bilbao

Surely everyone who visits the Guggenheim is enchanted by the big dog made of flowers. I know I am.


Please pick up after your dog, but don’t pick the dog.

The dog and these gorgeous, shiny tulips were done by an American artist, Jeff Koons.

"Tulips"- Guggenheim Museum

“Tulips”- Guggenheim Museum

After a quick lunch we drove to San Sebastian, about an hour away. Well, Mark drove. The rest of us fell asleep. Like I said, it was an early morning. Before checking into our apartment we took a quick walk on the beach.


yikes- where did those dark clouds come from?

yikes- where did those dark clouds come from?


We were happily surprised to discover that our trip coincided with an annual Jazz Festival.


The festival starts tonight. Our kids are thrilled because they love to be at concerts with their parents, who have been known to bust out some sweet dance moves. Here is tonight’s line-up. I don’t think the kids have anything to worry about, as I have yet to make it past 11:00 pm since we arrived. I don’t know, though, Snarky Puppy sounds like it could be pretty awesome.

Running out the door to dinner….

more later…………





Filed under flowers, Spain, Uncategorized