Tag Archives: fashion

Staying Cool In Paris

Friday was a scorcher in Paris, with the high around 91 degrees. I knew it was going to be hot, so I planned to leave the apartment early, avoid enclosed spaces, and be home again soon after lunch. The last place you want to be on a hot day in Paris is in a restaurant or, even worse, in a store trying on clothes. Just don’t do it. Unless you happen to find a store with really good air-conditioning, in which case call me.

I walked up my side of the river all the way to the lovely Pont Neuf (which means “new bridge” but it’s actually the oldest, because the French like to confuse you that way), which I crossed to the Isle de la Cité.

I adore this bridge. The first stone was said to have been laid for it in 1578 by King Henry III.



You can look over this bridge for a nice view of one of the best picnic spots in Paris. This little park is called the Square du Vert-Galant, and is at the very tip of the Isle de la Cité.


IMG_2268I wandered around on the little island until I found myself at a small square, all tucked away and quiet. This was its name-o.





Yeah, some grass would have been nice, but on this hot day I was happy to find empty space with shade.

Place Dauphine was surrounded by several restaurants and some pretty old buildings. It backed up to the Palais du Justice.





Palais du Justice

Palais du Justice

I found a table on a terrace and lingered over my Diet Coke and lentil salad. My bottle of soda was five euros and the waitress happily brought me more ice, so it was totally worth it. The guys sitting next to me (as in six inches away) were already discussing their plans for les vacances. I love these people.

After lunch I crossed over to the other bank and walked through Saint-Germain. The sidewalks were full of people eating and drinking and savoring the summer day. I enjoy seeing what the Parisians look like when they are unwrapped from their coats and scarves and boots. Most women wear loose skirts or sundresses and sandals, with an occasional straw hat. Hems are on the short side but not overly revealing.



Rarely does a French woman wear shorts, although some of the younger ones attempt the shorts-with-tights look, which I simply cannot get behind.

Just no.

Just no.

I am loving this bright blue color, which seems to be popping up everywhere.


This woman opted for an orange Goyard, a color choice I particularly applaud.


This little guy was clearly hoping for rain.


A few more favorite shots of Saint-Germain, where I must have lived in a previous life because I love it so.


IMG_2275My Fit Bit finally buzzed and I opted to catch a bus the rest of the way home. When I got on the 83 I knew before even swiping my Navigo transport pass that the temperature inside the bus was at least equal to its number. The wave of heat hit me as I climbed up and then turned to face the miserable passengers, furiously fanning themselves with anything they could find to move air. The buses, though un-airconditioned, are rarely this hot. I stayed on as long as I could stand it, and then flung myself off when I couldn’t, and walked the rest of the way. Lawdy, that bus was broiling.

So that was my Friday! I went home and enjoyed the breeze blowing through my apartment. And I wrote blog posts. Which I hope you enjoy.

Signing off.

Staying cool.


Filed under Isle de la Cite, Paris